7:00 p.m.
John R. Aplin, Trustee of Aplin Realty Trust, 331 Whiting Avenue: To be allowed a Special Permit for retaining walls with a maximum height of 9 feet (amending ZBA Decision # VAR-03-17-2205, dated April 19, 2017, granting a Special Permit for retaining walls with a maximum height of 6 feet). Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Sections 6.5.2, 9.2, and 9.3 (continuation from 1/17/18, to be withdrawn by the applicant and the applicant’s attorney)
John R. Aplin, Trustee of Aplin Realty Trust, and Andrew and Jane Weiss, 331 Whiting Avenue and 335 Whiting Avenue: To be allowed a Special Permit for retaining walls with a maximum height of 9 feet (amending ZBA Decision # VAR-03-17-2205, dated April 19, 2017, granting a Special Permit for retaining walls with a maximum height of 6 feet). Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Sections 6.5.2, 9.2, and 9.3
7:05 p.m.
Stacy Soley, 438 Mount Vernon Street: To be allowed such Special Permits and/or variances as required to extend the length of an existing garage that is 4.5 feet from the property line instead of the required 10 feet. Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Section 3.3.4 Variance Required, Section 9 Special Permits, and Section 4.1, Table 2, Table of Dimensional Requirements
7:10 p.m.
Peter and Meghan Hamilton, 35 Highland Street: To be allowed such Special Permits and/or variances as required to construct a two-car garage that will be 4.9 feet from the property line instead of the required 10 feet, and a Special Permit for an accessory dwelling unit in a single family dwelling. Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Section 4.1, Table of Dimensional Requirements and Section 7.7
7:15 p.m.
Philip and Wendy Bryan, 19 Cranberry Lane: To be allowed a left side yard setback of 4.5 feet instead of the required 10 feet and a rear yard setback of 10.5 feet instead of the required 20 feet to construct a new room and a two-car garage after demolition of an existing game room. Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Section 4.1, Table of Dimensional Requirements
7:20 p.m.
218 High Street, LLC, Stephen Clifford, Manager, 218 High Street: To be allowed to construct a two-family dwelling on 10,321 square feet of land on Lot 111-3 instead of the required 11,000 square feet, a front yard setback of 15 feet instead of the required 20 feet, a waiver of the combining requirements so that Lot 111-67 retains its status as a special lot size exception for a single family dwelling, and a 15 foot front yard setback for Lot 111-67 instead of the required 20 feet. Town of Dedham Zoning Bylaw Section 4.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements, and Section 4.5.1
Old/New Business*
- Review of Minutes, January 17, 2018
*This item is included to acknowledge that there may be matters not anticipated by the Chair that could be raised during the meeting by other members of the Committee/Board, by staff, or by the public.