Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and State of Emergency, on March 12, 2020, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order Temporarily Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, so that public bodies are temporarily relieved from the Open Meeting Law’s requirement that meetings be held in public places, open and physically accessible to the public, as long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the bodies' deliberations "through adequate, alternative means."
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Enter the meeting ID: 956 7877 4309
Enter the Passcode: 224000
General updates
Approval of meeting minutes
Jamboard discussion of the police station site
Jamboard discussion of the Keystone site
Planning for future meetings:
- 12/14 engagement with Dedham Square merchants
- 1/5 presentation to Select Board & Planning Board
- 2/9 community engagement meeting
Approval of minutes
Old/New Business**
*While there is not a separate agenda item for public comment, the co-chairs custom is to include public comment throughout the meeting.
**This item is included to acknowledge that there may be matters not reasonably anticipated by the co-chairs that could be raised during the meeting by other members of the Committee, by staff or others.